ACT Government Information Portal |

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is a self-governing territory in the south east of Australia. The only city in the ACT is Canberra, the capital city of Australia
ACT Auditor General's Office
The Auditor-General is responsible for the audit of all ACT public sector agencies. Their aims are to promote public accountability in the public administration of the Territory, to audit annual financial statements of the Territory, Departments and Territory Authorities and to conduct performance audits.
ACT Budget Papers
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Obtain online and hardcopy copies of current and historical ACT Budget Papers.
ACT Government Assistance
ACT Government
The ACT Government Assistance website aims to make it easy for you to find out what assistance and advice you might be eligible for by putting this information in one place and in an easily understood way. It pulls together information from across the ACT and Australian governments and some community organisations in the ACT.
ACT Government Directory
ACT Government
The Directory provides a guide to key people, organisations, functions undertaken and services delivered in the ACT Government.
ACT Government Grants
ACT Government
Find information on and apply for a variety of grant programs. The website is aimed at helping the community turn good ideas into great activities.
ACT Government Media Releases
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Find the latest media releases from the ACT Government Ministers and Directorates.
ACT Government Solicitor
ACT Government Solicitor
The Australian Capital Territory Government Solicitor was established by the Government Solicitor Act 1989 to act as legal practitioner for the Australian Capital Territory, its Ministers, agencies and officers. They do not normally act for members of the public.
ACT Government feedback, complaints and service requests
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Submit compliments, complaints or enquiries regarding ACT Government services.
ACT Legislation Register
Justice and Community Safety Directorate
The ACT legislation register is established by the Legislation Act 2001 to make authorised versions of new and up-to-date ACT legislation freely accessible, to provide a mechanism for notifying new laws electronically and to make timely and comprehensive information about ACT legislation freely accessible.
ACT Parliamentary Counsel's Office (PCO)
Justice and Community Safety Directorate
PCO is an agency within the Justice and Community Safety Directorate that provides comprehensive legislative drafting and information services for the Australian Capital Territory.
Access Canberra - shopfronts, call handling, online services and regulation
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Access Canberra supports and connects the community with ACT Government services. Its aim is to promote good governance and provide great service, with a particular focus on helping local entrepreneurs understand and comply with the regulations needed to establish a new business or hold an event, while ensuring at all times that public safety is maintained.
Access Canberra is at the forefront of the Government's program of regulatory reform and helps drive red tape reduction.
It brings together shopfronts, call handling, online services and regulatory arms (including business licencing, event approvals and births deaths & marriages) into a single service. Pulling these functions together across government for the first time is a significant reform in municipal services for the people of Canberra.
The Access Canberra website provides a gateway to services provided by the ACT Government - what they are, how much they cost, where to pay for them and who to contact for further information. The site includes ACT Government forms and a secure bill payment portal that allows you to pay many different ACT Government bills and services.
Canberra's International Relationships
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Sister city relationships are an overarching symbol of friendship that encourage and assist groups in government, business, culture and community to make contact with each other and build relationships of mutual benefit. Canberra has Sister City relationships with the following cities:
Beijing, China
Nara, Japan
Less formal than sister city relationships, friendship agreements between cities pave the way for cooperation and mutual respect. They can enhance economic, humanitarian and sporting links. Canberra has Friendship City relationships with the following cities:
Dili, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Hangzhou, China
Digital Canberra Action Plan
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
The Digital Canberra Action Plan aims to improve resident and visitor experience, provide mobile access and services and enhance our innovative culture by promoting digital champions, reviewing successful case studies and continuing the in-person and online conversation and capacity building with business and the community.
Elections ACT
Elections ACT
Elections ACT is an independent statutory authority responsible for conducting elections and referendums for the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly.
Governing the City State: One ACT Government - One ACT Public Service
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
In September 2010, the Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) commissioned a comprehensive review of the effectiveness, capacity and structure of the ACT Public Service (ACTPS). The Governing the City State report details the key findings and recommendations that came out of this review.
Hansard of the ACT Legislative Assembly
ACT Legislative Assembly
Hansard records and publishes the debates of the Legislative Assembly and evidence taken by Assembly committees. Hansard also publishes the final transcripts of available public committee proceedings.
Jervis Bay Territory
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development (Federal Government)
The Jervis Bay Territory is a non-self governing territory of the Commonwealth of Australia, occupying the Bherwerre Peninsula, and forming the southern boundary of Jervis Bay. Total area of the Jervis Bay Territory is 7456 hectares, comprising:
a land area of 6569 hectares, and
887 hectares of marine reserve.
The Jervis Bay Territory is located, by road, approximately 250 kilometres east of Canberra and approximately 200 kilometres south of Sydney.
The Minister with responsibility for the administration of the Jervis Bay Territory, is the Hon Jamie Briggs MP, Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development.
Although the Jervis Bay Territory is not part of the Australian Capital Territory, the laws of the ACT apply, in so far as they are applicable and, providing they are not inconsistent with an Ordinance, in the Territory by virtue of the Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915.
For further information about Jervis Bay Territory administration, economics, envionment, heritage, history and service delivery, please visit the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development website.
Jobs ACT
ACT Government
This site lists current job vacancies in the ACT Public Service and provides documentation relevant to advertised vacancies, such as position descriptions and selection criteria. Here you will also find information about special recruitment opportunities, temporary registers, graduate programs, collective agreements and enterprise agreements.
Open Government
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
The ACT Government is committed to:
in process and information
participation by citizens in the governing process
public collaboration in finding solutions to problems and participation in the improved well-being of the community.
For the ACT Government, being an open government means we value collaboration with each other and the community. The Open Government initiatives, including the Open Government website, enhance democracy and place the community at the centre of the governance process.
On the Open Government website you can discover:
Cabinet summaries
Media releases
Freedom of Information requests
Annual reports
Planning and development forum minutes
Economic indicators
Key ACT Government reports
Social media initiatives and policy
Public consultation opportunities
Chief Minister's Talkback summaries
Links to over 50 ACT Government data sets
...and much more.
Procurement and Capital Works
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Procurement and Capital Works is the ACT Government's centre of expertise for procurement matters, providing procurement-related services to ACT Government directorates. Here you will find information about ACT Government procurement including the publication of contracts, prequalification and a variety of information in relation to goods, services and works.
Respect, Equity and Diversity Framework
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
The RED Framework provides a focus on respect and aims to ensure that all ACT public servants value and consider others at work.
Shared Services
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Shared Services provides a range of corporate services to all ACT Government agencies, including HR, records management, finance and ICT. Shared Services works in close partnership with its customers to provide efficient and effective services.
Social Media Listing
ACT Government
Many area of the ACT Government, including the Ministers of the Legislative Assembly, have social media accounts you can follow.
Social Media Policy
ACT Government
The ACT Government Social Media Policy has been developed to provide advice and assistance to ACT Government employees on the appropriate use of social media within the work environment. It applies to all employees who use social media for official purposes.
Tenders ACT
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Tenders ACT is the ACT Government's procurement information system. Full details of all open ACT Government procurement opportunities are advertised on Tenders ACT. Registered users will receive email notifications for all tender opportunities released by the ACT Government that match the subscription profile established by the user. There is no cost to use Tenders ACT. To register, please visit:
The ACT Government is committed to improving the accessibility of web content. To provide feedback or request an accessible version of a document please contact us or phone 13 22 81.
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