National Gallery of Australia

National Gallery of Australia

The National Gallery of Australia is the national art gallery of Australia, holding more than 160,000 works of art. It was established in 1967 by the Australian government as a national public art gallery.

The National Gallery of Australias collections of works span across four main areas: Australian art, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander art, Asian art and European and American art.

Works in the Gallery are part of Australias national collection. They belong to the people of Australia and are preserved and presented for their enjoyment and education. It is the Gallerys intention to make the collection as widely appreciated as possible both in Australia and overseas.

Open Hours: Daily 10am - 5pm (closed Christmas day)

❊ Address ❊

 ⊜  Parkes Place Canberra 2600 View Map
 ✆ Telephone: 02 6240 6411
Parkes PlaceCanberraA.C.T.02 6240 6411

❊ What's On ❊

Coming to National Gallery of Australia..

Rauschenberg & Johns

❊ Web Links ❊

National Gallery of Australia

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