Momentum Energy

Momentum Energy

Get 0% off Momentum Energy. No confusing discounts just great rates.

Momentum Energy is owned by Hydro Tasmania Australia's largest generator of renewable energy. We believe in fair and simple pricing and doing the right thing by our customers.

Not all energy companies are the same.

Here are four great reasons to choose Momentum:

1. You get fair and simple pricing.

We're big believers in doing the right thing by our customers. So instead of trying to woo you with discounts we put our energy into delivering great rates every day. And this is good news. Because along with your zero percent discount there are zero cheeky conditions and zero catches you need to be a rocket scientist to figure out. It's fair. It's transparent. It's simple.

2. You'll support renewable energy.

Want an energy company that cares about the same things as you? We're 100% owned by Hydro Tasmania Australia's largest renewable energy generator. They harness hydropower by tapping into the natural forces of water and they operate wind farms in Tasmania and on the Bass Strait islands. It's a nice feel-good extra you get when you sign up with Momentum.

3. You're choosing Aussie Aussie Aussie.

Not only are we Australian owned and operated our call centres are in Melbourne and Hobart. So if you ever need help you don't have to call overseas to get it. And your money stays in Australia instead of heading overseas to line offshore pockets.

4. You get great customer service.

Sure everyone says this. But there's no need to take our word for it. Customers have independently voted. In the 2017 Mozo People's Choice awards Momentum Energy won in all four Electricity categories including Excellent Customer Service as voted by customers.

Melbourne We put things in simple terms because energy should be easy.
Melbourne We don't do confusing discounts just great rates straight up.
Melbourne We're 100% Australian owned and operated.

To connect your service with us some additional costs may apply.

1800 794 824 (1800 SWITCH)

1300 662 778 (Customer Care)


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