Lifeline | 13 11 14 |

Lifelines 24 hour Telephone Counselling Service : 13 11 14
Today, somewhere in Australia, there is a new call to Lifeline every minute and an average of over 450,000 calls are answered each year.
We have also expanded our operations to include a number of programs that promote mental health, wellbeing and help seeking behaviours.
-:- 24-Hour Telephone Counselling
-:- Lifeline Information Service
-:- Lifeline Service Finder
-:- Suicide Prevention
Lifeline was founded in 1963 by the late Reverend Dr Sir Alan Walker, after he received a call by a distressed man, who three days later took his own life. Determined not to let loneliness, isolation or anxiety be the cause of other deaths, Sir Alan launched a crisis line, which operated out of the Methodist Central Mission in Sydney.
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