International Day of Potato 2025

Let's celebrate the International Day of Potato 2025
Friday 30th May 2025
In 2023, the United National General Assembly declared May 30th, 2024, as the first-ever International Day of Potato, signalling the importance of the third most consumed crop globally. Potatoes contribute to the food security and nutrition as well as livelihoods and employment of people in rural and urban areas the world over.
The 2025 theme for International Day of Potato is
Why an International Day of Potato?
On 30 May, we spotlight the potato, Solanum tuberosum (L.) - a crop regularly consumed by billions of people. Potatoes are a key crop across diverse farming systems globally, ranging from smallholders producing diverse heirloom varieties by hand in the Andes, to vast commercial, mechanized farms in different continents. As the third most consumed food crop globally, potatoes contribute to the food security and nutrition as well as and livelihoods and employment of people in rural and urban areas the world over.
The Day is an opportunity to build on the International Year of the Potato, which was observed in 2008. The observance will also be used to underscore the importance of the crop to combating hunger and poverty and addressing environmental threats to agrifood systems. The roles of small-scale family farmers, a significant proportion of whom are women, in safeguarding the wide spectrum of the crop's diversity, will also be recognized, while the cultural and culinary dimensions of the crop's cultivation and consumption will be celebrated.
In Australia, potatoes are a staple in most homes, being the second most purchased vegetable with 87% of households buying an average of 1.63 kilos per trip*.
In Western Australia, WA Potatoes are the organisation representing potato growers, providing advocacy, communications and event support, as well as a school education program and ongoing marketing to remind consumers of the health benefits and versatility of the humble spud.
"International Day of Potato is a huge recognition for a crop that delivers so much to so many people," says Simon Moltoni, CEO of WA Potatoes.
❊ When ❊
Date: Friday 30th May 2025
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